Bassvictim at Berghain or the fall of Millennial idols
Is it cool to get kicked out of Berghain?
Explode or Nikita Bier’s viral marketing playbook
The new app brings the original functionality of Snapchat to iMessage. See the irreverent launch video here.
Colossal Biosciences or the end of extinction
Colossal Biosciences Inc. is using DNA and genomics to try to resurrect the dodo, Tasmanian tiger and the woolly mammoth. Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer Ben Lamm says the company is on track to produce a woolly mammoth calf born to a surrogate elephant mother by late 2028.
Trump Era Optimism or new polls from CBS News and The New York Times
CBS News reports that 67% of 18-to-29-year-olds are the most optimistic about the incoming administration—the highest rate among all age cohorts—and The New York Times finds Trump’s policies are more popular than the president. Find the full survey results here.
Many are reflexively skeptical about polls that challenge their priors—no one likes bad news—but these results remind me of the 2018 report Hidden Tribes: A Study of America’s Polarized Landscape by Stephen Hawkins, Daniel Yudkin, Míriam Juan-Torres, and Tim Dixon. They reported their two furthest left-leaning tribes, Progressive Activists and Traditional Liberals, comprising 19% of the electorate.
Looking back, the report’s grouping of Traditional Conservatives with the Wings—despite being the largest politically-engaged tribe—while Traditional Liberals are included in the Exhausted Majority may help explain why Trump was able to win the 2024 election, despite the large number of Americans who viscerally dislike the President. American institutions were further left than the American electorate.