I recently published a report on the desire for agency in a world where that word feels ambiguous. I didn’t directly address advances in artificial intelligence because when and how it may come into being rely on technical knowledge I readily admit I do not possess. But AI clearly has implications regarding human agency. Will it empower us or disempower us? Will it help people or harm people?
In a very general sense, this is the crux of all debates between accelerationists and decelerationists. The former believe it will be empowering and helpful. The latter the opposite.
Below are some thoughts about how artificial intelligence may affect people. It’s mostly speculation—excluding sections directly addressing GPTs and GANs—so take it with a grain of salt. Mostly, its an attempt to move the conversation beyond “Can we?” and “Should we?” Clearly something is coming down the pike. And once it arrives, both of those conversations will be moot.